App Store & Google Play

Download Security Asapp and keep your team safe

How it works

Press the button Asapp and pick the number of operatives needed. 

Your call will be sent to the nearest Security Guards available for a fast response.

Complete the intervention when you are safe, rate the service of our security guards and receive your incident report.

Popular Features

Team members

With Security Asapp, Businesses can add their team members under their company account. 


Everyone can press the panic button to cope with unexpected events or rush hours.

Alert Asapp

Stay in touch with the Asapp community. Inform or be informed when an event such as theft, fight or terrorist attack happens in your area. 

This is a free service to help keep the community safe.



Incident Reports

Keep track of the incident with our reports automatically filled with date, time, location and name of the security guards.

Your phone will also record audio and video. This recording will be safely stored in our database and only released if requested by local authority for further investigation.

Our SIA licensed Security Guards are a fingertip away from you.

Security Asapp is designed for smartphone and tablets and can be found on Apple Store and Google Play.

Scan the QR code or click the download button, register your information and let's keep the community safer together.

What is so special about ASAPP?

Panic button

Security Asapp is designed for businesses that cannot justify a full time security budget but still deserve to keep their staff safe during disruptive events or unexpected rush hours.

Our panic button app can be downloaded on smartphones or tablets and can be shared with team members. You will always be connected to our pool of security guards ready to help at anytime. 

Security 2.0

We developed the best technology to keep you connected to the nearest operatives available. Using the location and mapping system of your device, we can direct our security guards to the right location. Smartphones also collect audio and video evidence .  Recordings are safely stored in our database and only available to local authorities upon formal requests.

Security guards must be trained and certified to join the Asapp Community.

Community driven

Proximity helps! Who better than a member of your community can deal with problems in your community? 

We are connecting businesses with security guards living or working in the same area. We are also offering collaborative security solutions for your main high streets with operatives on stand bye during trading hours and ready to respond to calls from any shop, bar, restaurant or office within minutes.


Businesses located in areas more exposed to antisocial behaviours usually have lower security budget. We noticed  that those same areas also have a  higher number of residents holding a Security license but working in different locations. 

 Why not making the best use of their skills where it is the most needed?

Our membership are affordable for every size of businesses and Asapp is designed to provide safety for everyone in need.

Let's stay connected

Our community is available
on social media.


Asapp team

Create a safer environment for our community across London is our goal number one. Let's be safer together.

Contact us for any questions or suggestions

Mobile Application
Security Asapp
+44 (0) 203 916 58 98


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